Winter has been long and wet though not particularly cold this year, so it is a pleasant surprise to see the crocuses starting to come through so early at Notaires. The ‘warm’ wet weather has been good for the fish as the aquifers are refilled after the drought of the least two years and there have been plenty of opportunities to feed the carp with the lakes not freezing over at all this winter.
Even so, the fishing was excellent last year and the lake record was repeatedly raised until it stood at 45lbs 8oz to Matt.
We started a fish chipping campaign in 2012, using micro RFID chips. The person who catches a carp not previously tagged gets to name it. This has proved very popular with guests. A summary of the fish that have been tagged so far can be seen below. (Note, these fish form only a small proportion of all those caught in 2012.)
fish tag id |
No. of times caught |
FishName |
010300dc0c0c |
1 |
Tiddles |
961001200052972 |
1 |
Poppy |
961001200053048 |
1 |
George |
961001200053106 |
2 |
961001200053119 |
1 |
961001200053241 |
1 |
Shamu |
961001200053331 |
3 |
Willow |
961001200053439 |
1 |
Frankie |
961001200053443 |
5 |
Harriet (31lbs) |
961001200053532 |
1 |
Bam Bam |
961001200053574 |
1 |
Bubbles |
961001200053577 |
3 |
961001200053695 |
1 |
961001200053745 |
4 |
Big Ben (32lbs) |
961001200053934 |
1 |
Two Spot |
961001200053954 |
1 |
961001200054069 |
1 |
Buzz |
961001200054289 |
1 |
The Daddy |
961001200054313 |
1 |
Jeta |
961001200054433 |
2 |
Ellery |
961001200054441 |
4 |
The Horse (45lbs 8oz) |
961001200054458 |
2 |
961001200054470 |
1 |
Nemo |
The larger tagged fish feature more often in the catch reports (due to their appetite?) and while twenty-three carp have been tagged so far there are still another seventy or so waiting to be caught, tagged and named. So, what are you waiting for!
Fishing Holidays at Notaires