A new carp lake is born

When Sebastian Vasseur my local fish farmer  contacted me at the start of the year to a ask if I thought Angling Lines would be interested in a new lake I said yes at once… I have seen Sebastian’s other lakes and I knew this could be a real find.

He came round to our home and we discussed his plans and what he hoped to do with the lake, but this was all depending on him be successful at an auction, and in France they are done differently and can take a while to complete.

After our meeting I could sense that this was going to be a potentially great lake with a lot of scope.  He described it as a typical old gravel pit that had not been fished for years – I couldn’t wait to see it for myself, but we had to wait for the sale to (hopefully) go through.

After about 2 months Sebastian called me to say he had purchased the lake and invited me over to have a look.  I obviously jumped at the chance and I arranged to go over the next day… it also gave me a chance to see the lake before any work was done on it.

The next day was a lovely sunny day and we headed off to see for the first time the new lake that was to be named “Blue lake”.

As soon as we drove onto the lake banks I could see that this was the type of lake we all dream about and one that would be a real gem for the future with all sorts of possibilities and unknown fish.

As we walked around Sebastian explained his plans and some of the things he planned to do ready for the 2012 season.  It all sounded great and I could already see that this was going to be a real find for Sebastian and Angling Lines.  Sebastian explained that due to the lake being 15 acres he could not net it, so he could not verify for sure what fish were in the lake or how many and what species were present.  But as we walked you could see a fair number of carp cruising around in the sun and a few of them were definitely in the high 30’s in my opinion.

As Sebastian had no plans to open the lake this year (2011) he allowed me to fish it whenever I wanted to and as Bletiere is always booked it gave me a chance to get some fishing in, I also took along any friends who were over to visit.

Over several trips, days only, we managed to get carp out to just under 28lb and I lost one that we estimate would have been at least 30lb+.  Sitting there during the day it gave me the chance to fish spot and trust me, there are some big lumps swimming around in Blue Lake!There are bream in the lake but I have to say we never caught one and they were never a problem.  Also the crayfish that are there never touched our baits and I only saw 2 walking around the edge.

Now most of the work is now finished & the swims and the surroundings are starting to look good.  Once the winter is over and the banks start to grow back Blue Lake will be a place to go & I’m sure over the next few years it will become one of Frances top fisheries.

With the stocking that Sebastian plans in the next couple of months and the fact that no one knows exactly what is in the lake I can see next year being an exciting visit for the lucky anglers and I look forward to seeing what is in the lake.

Tight lines, John London, owner Bletiere


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