Jack with Big Lin at 43.02
Jack Cuthbertson has been helping out with the swim improvements at Molyneux. Each evening he’s been getting the rods out & he’s had some spectacular catches. Well now he’s topped it with a new lake record;
Another day or two passed and with the fish becoming ever more active I decided to get the rods out again. The Double swim was the obvious choice having enjoyed success there on previous nights. I cast all three rods to the same area over a healthy spread of boilies, traps were set, game on. The night sadly passed with little to no action. I was awake at first light slightly surprised nothing had occurred overnight but never the less, I managed to spot a decent carp head and shoulder out a good 50 yards along the island from where I was concentrating. With this valuable new knowledge in mind I wound in and headed off for another days work around the lake.
After tea that day I was eager to get the rods back out, I got round into the Double swim and set about knocking three bags up ready to be cast out. I positions two rods very close together about a rod length off the island to the right hand side of the swim where I’d had my previous action. I then accurately cast my left hand rod to the spot where the carp had given itself away that morning. Little did I know what was about to happen.
A little after an hour after casting out I received a couple of bleeps on the Delkim from my left hand rod, I sat patiently watching and listening wondering what was going on out there. I didn’t have to wait to long when the same rod burst into life, a very slow but deliberate take from a carp charging alongside the island. On connection I knew the fish was a lump, very slow runs, kiting from side to side. My heart was in my mouth when a large mirror rolled over about 15 yards from the bank, I saw a few scales down its flank instantly knowing which one it was from last year’s pictures. My legs turned to jelly with the thought I could potentially be attached to a 40lb+ carp! What seemed like a lifetime later I edged the impressive carp over the net with the two Corn poppers hanging out the corner of its massive mouth! I let out a huge yelp heard across half of France I think, Helen and Wally defiantly heard as they were soon round with the camera to investigate.

The other side of Big Lin
We prepared the mat, zeroed the scales and got ready to view my prize. The feeling of revealing the mesh of the net to see the fish was amazing, a true beast of a carp, almost naked of scales on one side and a scattered linear on the other. We all knew the fish wasn’t going to be far off the magical 40lb mark, and for me I knew it could potentially be a new French PB. On the Ruebens the fish pulled the needle all the way round and settled on 43.02!!
I was lost for words, a new French PB to boot, to say I was made up is an understatement. We did a few trophy shots of the magnificent carp, truly worthy of any lake record with its gorgeous colouration and beautifully proportioned shape which I’m sure will only get bigger and bigger. What a carp, what a lake!
Jack Cuthbertson