A carp angler’s dream – our first impressions of Molyneux

An update of work in progress from the new Molyneux bailiffs, Wally & Helen;

We arrived early on Monday morning after an easy and pleasant drive from Calais of approximately 2hours 45 mins.

We pulled through the gates of Molyneux to meet Roy and were pleasantly surprised at the natural beauty of this complex. Although we had seen the photos and video of the lake we still couldn’t believe how beautiful it looked on a cold January morning… it’s a real carp angler’s dream

Carp fishing in France at Molyneux

The carp are stunning too! Cluster at 41lb, September 2010

After an initial coffee with Roy we were eager to stretch our legs, so a walk around the lake was on the cards. During our walk it became obvious that the complex was in need of some TLC, nothing major just some good old fashion hard graft!

We discussed improvements that could be made to the swims and the addition of some steps to allow for easy netting and safe return of your catch. This work is underway and will be complete for the start of the new season.

We are very keen to retain the natural beauty with all the weeping willows that surround the lake, but a hard prune around the complex was well overdue. We have been doing this every day, strimming out brambles, willow whips and cutting back some dead trees which will give a fresh new look and allow new growth to come through. Helen is already excited about her new plants and wild flowers which she hopes will be in full bloom for the summer!

We have decided to utilise one cabin closest to the kitchen as an eating area for the ever increasing All Inclusive trips that Clearview Carp Tours run. This cabin will be equipped with tables, chairs, electricity for charging lap tops, phones etc, also a constant supply of hot water for tea and coffee 24 hours a day.

Further updates will follow as work progresses. We hope to meet you at Molyneux soon.

Regards, Wally & Helen


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