Hi Dan,
I understand that small amounts of tigers (supplied by yourself on a daily basis) is now allowed… is this correct?
Also just a question about boats; I want to hire one and as you only have 6 (I believe), is it best to pre-book this?
All particles have been allowed here at Gigantica since the start, so long as they are supplied by ourselves. I know Darrell did really well but please don’t think they are the be all here as many anglers have blanked using them. Darrell is a machine and could catch using cow sh*t.
Our particle mix already does have peanuts and tigers in the mix at a very low level, along with other large pulses and grains. I’m certain that the main approach here, which was boilie orientated has now been sussed by our more sly inhabitants but in the past the bream were an issue if you used particle.
We have been actively removing the bream now for 2 years and this year we are really going to push PVA bags and spodding (or baiting from the boat) with boilies AND particles. I’m sure this will have a really big impact on catching fish as it’s something that hasn’t really been done for the last two years………………but, as is in carp fishing, nothing lasts forever so the anglers who do it well early enough will be the ones who reap the rewards until a new method is needed.
Boats are for hire and we have never had all booked out in a single week, we have 7 on site. For clarity, we do not allow engines of any sort or electronic equipment afloat such as feature finders or underwater cameras. We provide life jackets for all anglers going afloat and I am VERY strict on their use. ANYONE caught at ANYTIME afloat without a life jacket is immediately removed from the premises.
I know that sounds extreme, but it is for your own safety, my safety (as it’s me who will have to come save whoever has the misfortune of entering the water) and fulfils our insurance demands.
I hope this answers your questions but if you require any additional information, feel free to contact me, that’s what I’m here for.
Danny Turtle