Gigantica’s third 70lb carp!

Korda marketing manager Ali Hamidi bagged this 70lb 8oz mirror known as Single Scale during a week at Gigantica France.  Ali 31, who also caught three other fish, revealed :

“The first part of the session had been a real hard slog I’d lost three fish through terrible luck and the swim was devoid of fish a lot of the time.  I decided to change my tactics and moved my baits further out.  I introduced a mixture of Mainline’s Cell and New Grange boilies along with a few tigers at long range and presented two rods on the area.

At 3.30am my critically-balanced homemade hookbait, made with Peach Ade and Scopex, gave me a steady run.  I knew very quickly that I had hooked something abnormally large and the noises in the darkness as it neared the net were scary!

Its immense mass was clear and when I caught a glimpse of its large single scale my legs went to jelly.  At the same time the fish went for one last run and weeded me at the bottom of the shelf.  I was shaking and thought I was about to lose it. I pulled for dear life and managed to get the fish clear of the weed then it popped like a beach ball. It was huge!

Bailiff Chuck Turley and Danny Fairbrass came over and weighed it for me. It was a new seventy for Gigantica, which means it almost definitely has three over the magical 70lb mark now. I think it’ll be a while before I beat this, though!”

Winning tackle included a size 6 Kaptor Wide Gape hook, an IQ/Supernatural combi-link and a 3.5oz lead.


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