Fish the Edge of that Surface Scum

Paul Cooper is one of our expert Field Testers, here’s the most recent post from his 2013 Fishing Diary…

With the weather warming up I have been keeping an eye on the fish in my local syndicate water for signs of feeding fish. I called onto the lake mid-afternoon on the Sunday and saw around 20 carp milling around on the edge of the scum caused by the lake bottom breaking up and rising to the surface over the past 48 hours.

Within 15 minutes I had my first rod in the water on the edge of the scum in only 12 inches of water. The fish were cruising in and out of the scum feeding on what ever had gathered and were not perturbed by my putting a bait in their close vicinity.

I baited all three rods with some baits I had just fetched out of my freezer, the remnants of my Quality Baits Winter birdy mix. These were bright red/orange and a fruity flavour but I felt that they would work in this situation.

Within 20 minutes I had my first pick up and shortly after that landed a perfectly conditioned 18lb 9oz Common. Out went the same rod again baited with the birdy boilie. It took a while before the fish moved back into my corner but after an hour. Coincidently, I was again on the phone to Jim Kelly, when the same rod bent round and I was into a 23lb 14oz Common. A few quick self takes and the fish was quickly returned to the water. That was the last of the action as all the fish moved off and my evening meal was calling.

Paul Cooper

To read more from Paul click here. 


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