Monster Laroussi mirror carp for 15 year old Chris Tsourou

69.12 Laroussi mirror for 15 year old Chris Tsourou

We reached Laroussi on the 24the July 2010.  The weather was very hot so we set all our kit out and got comfortable before we even considered casting any lines.  After marking out our spots we began baiting with the Hemp, Laroussi party mix and four different types of hook baits; Halibut Pellets, Mailine Cell Boilies, Quest Rahja Spice and Tiger Nut Boilies.

Two days of baiting & still no sign of a fish.  On the 3rd evening the halibut pellet takes off… 1 hour 20 mins later… ping goes the 15lb line!  The large Laroussi catfish got away!

Day 4, Rahja Spice takes off.  Felt like a good carp, but again another one that got away.

Day 4, D rig with Tiger Nut Boilie with sweetcorn pop-up that takes off & in comes a 53lb Sturgeon.

Day 5, D rig with cell boilie bleeps once, stops, same thing again, bleep once, stops.  Chris moves closer to rod ready to strike.  3/4 further bleeps, one after the other.  Chris lifts his rod which is around 70 yards out on a gravel patch with about 6/7 kilos of cell boiles baited out over the last 4/5 days.

Funniest thing is that Chris turns round to me and says “Dad, it’s only a small one”

An hour later and Chris is waist high in water and still no sign of the carp.  I ask “Chris, how small you reckon it is then?”

Out of breath he turns round with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen!  10 minutes later and the carp is in the net.  There was a quiet silence… just Dad and Chris looking at each other in disbelief; nearly a 70 pounder, a life time fish caught by a 15 year old… were do we go from here?

Dad needs a new fishing partner… but to Laroussi & Angling Lines… thanks for a lifetime memory and we cannot wait to go back!

Stavros Tsourou {dad}

Chris Tsourou {son} and Ex angling partner!


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