5 Things To Avoid When Driving In France

Five simple things to avoid;

1. Paris at rush hours – Rush hour is normally 8:00-10:00am &  5:00-8:00pm

2. Tolls –  Can be expensive. Check out which route is best using Viamichelin

3. Drinking – France’s drink driving laws are fiercer than our own; 0.5 mg per ml as opposed to 0.8 mg per ml in the UK

4. Speeding – On the spot fines are expensive but further problems and fines arrive if you don’t have you log book , insurance and licences documentation with you in the vehicle. In a 50kph area (our 30mph) you will be fined approximately 68e if caught doing less than 20kph over that limit. For more details check out this page explaining offences and penalties.

5. The French – annual holidays of course!  Most of France and the Netherlands are on holiday between mid July to mid August each year (due to factory closures, huge numbers take 2 weeks off in this 4 week period) This is when motorways are at their absolute busiest.

Taking your first carp fishing trip to France? Take a look at our blog posts on the subject here


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