3 x 40lb+ cats in the week from Glehias


Colin (Cat-Man-Doo) Marsh of the Wilkinson Party has landed 3 large Catfish from our lake Glehias this week (w/c 27.08.11) after expressing a desire to bank one of the elusive big ones when he first arrived here Saturday.

45lb catfish from Glehias carp lake


The first Cat came on a Tench live bait at 2 am on his first night here and weighed in at 45lb 8oz, the second Moggie picked up a Mainline boilie fished for a Carp the same morning at 11 am and came in at 48lb 8oz.

We were fortunate enough to see Colin land the third Cat as we were delivering breakfasts to the anglers on Thursday morning when his left rod tore off. The hard fighting 49lb 8oz Moggie decided to pick up a mainline boilie fished to the Gorse bank, this was on his only rod with a reel spooled up with 12lb breaking strain line, the other two have 15lb BS on them so it was a pleasure to watch him play it in so skillfully.

49lb catfish from Glehias carp lake


Another Catfish was hooked earlier in the week but was lost as Colin’s mainline broke under the strain; we suspect this one was bigger. Colin has now got the bit between his teeth and wants to see the biggest one in his net before the end of the week, we estimate it to be at least 60lb as the last time it was seen was around 2 years ago when it was landed at 53lb.

Great angling Colin, Keep it up!


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