A winter caught 40 from Villefond
January 11th saw myself (Mark Lambert Villefond fishery manager) and a friend get a chance to fish on Villefond for a quick 24hr session. I had been feeding the fish on our brilliant new range of boillies all winter and knew from previous catch reports the fish loved it and with it being really good for them I knew they would continue to put on really healthy weights feeding on it.
As I arrived I choose to use the tiger nut type boillie and dipped it with a PVA bag in our glug and fired it out to my chosen spot with a few scattered freebies. Within the hour I had my first run after a hard fight I slid my net under an immaculate 41lb mirror. As soon as I got the fish back I put my rod back on the same spot. I didn’t have to wait long and under two hours later I had my second stunning looking carp, a 34lb short chunky mirror on the bank.

Being January the nights got dark really early and by half six it was pitch black and without a cloud in the sky the temperature dropped fast. My friend had now got his rods out and had gone for the coconut type boillie and it wasn’t long before he got his first run, again a big healthy 41.4lb mirror. He continued catching right through the night despite the frost and temperature well below freezing.
By morning my friend went home and after a busy night photographing his fish and not so much as a beep on my rods I decided to stay just a couple more hours. It turned out to be a good choice and I quickly banked two more immaculate fish in quick succession.

Our expectations for the 24hrs were one fish each with it being so cold and in January but the bait really excelled itself. In that short pace of time I finished up with 4 fish;
* 41 mirror
* 39.4 mirror
* 34 mirror
* 36.12 mirror
My friend had managed 5 fish in one night;
* 41 mirror
* 40 mirror
* 40 mirror
* 30 common
* 28 mirror

What the fish fell to
I think your agree not a bad result. With luck I hope to try at least one more 24hr session before our bookings for the year start and I have to watch people hauling monsters, while I am waiting for next winter before I get a chance to try my luck again.