A great session for Stewart Cliff and Andy Gilbert on Brocard Large, with 11 fish between them, made up of two forties, six thirties and two reasonable twenties. Here’s the rest of the feedback….
Your best tactics/bait/rigs:Â Popup rigs with a sweet pink hookbait seemed the most consistant, although tiger nuts landed a couple of fish.
Were you happy with them? Yes

44lb 4oz – Stewart
Would you recommend our services to a friend? Yes, ten plus years with you guys and never a problem
General comments:Â Great lake, great week. We lost a few fish in the weed, but the weight average was really good for what we did land. Franck was a gent as always, and we look forwards to our next trip to Brocard Large

34lb 12oz – Andy

42lb – Stewart

36lb 8oz – Stewart

32lb 4oz – Andy
Find more information on Brocard Large at Carp Fishing France