11 things a carper should not go to France without

1.  A map – Sat Navs like Tom Tom are great but they are not infallible. Sometimes you need to check they are going to the right place!

2.  Passport – obvious really!  But remember to check in good time if it’s still going to be current when you go.  New anti-terrorist rules make the application process much more lengthy now.

3.  In your vehicle – warning triangle and luminous jackets. These are mandatory, use them for all break downs. One luminous jacket for each passenger must be in the car.

4.  Vehicle Documents – insurance, driving license and log book. If you are stopped the gendarmes will want to see these and there is a potential fine if you can’t produce them.

5.  Cash or credit card for the motorway tolls – embarrassing if you haven’t got them.

6.  Bottle opener – again obvious really, you really do need to try the local wine.

7.  Freezer blocks & cooler box – you’ll need this to keep the beer cold!

8.  Electrical adapters

9.  Suntan lotion and after sun – catching those carp will leave you exposed, no need to become a lobster!

10.  HIC card for health insurance – saves paying upfront for emergency healthcare.

11.  Antiseptic wash/first aid box.


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